For more than 75 years the Apache Marching Band has stirred the hearts of TJC fans with its powerful music and creative marching drills. The band is as much a part of TJC tradition as Black and Gold. Both on the field and in the stands, the band members create an atmosphere of excitement through outstanding musical performance and an unabashed spirit for TJC football.
The Apache Marching Band is the most visible of all the bands at TJC. Its primary role is performing at football games, parades and exhibition performances at high schools and marching band contests. There are plentiful scholarships available for all interested students who qualify by audition.
With approximately 200 members, The Apache Band is the largest student organization on campus and is an ever-evolving icon of old and new campus traditions. Our membership includes students from across the country and represents all areas of academic disciplines, including Music, Nursing, Education, Business, General Studies and Engineering. More than 95% of the Apache Band members receive significant scholarships for tuition and fees each semester. The remarkable spirit of the Apache Band comes from the enthusiasm of students who combine their collaborative talents and backgrounds to create a highly-skilled musical experience for all involved.
The Apache Marching Band performs on and off the TJC campus and travels to other campuses during the football season. The band also makes frequent featured appearances at various regional and area marching contests. It performs innovative music and drill routines that represent the contemporary drum corps marching style with an infusion of excitement.