Become a Police Officer
TJC’s Law Enforcement Academy will prepare you for a career in law enforcement.
Law Enforcement Academy
The TJC Law Enforcement Academy will equip you with knowledge of the law and government along with physical conditioning to perform the daily tasks of being a peace officer. Successful completion of the academy will enable you to take the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) test. Once a student successfully passes the exam along with 3 credit hours at Tyler Junior College, the student may be awarded for up to 12 hours of college credit.
Fast Facts
Salary Range
The salary range in East Texas for police officers is $49,090-$89,440 with a median of $68,290.
Employment Outlook
Police and sheriff’s patrol officer jobs in Texas are expected to increase 13% by 2030, with a projected 5,420 annual job openings.
Information from ONet OnLine and based on 2023 wage data.

Necessary Skills
Conflict Resolution, Critical Thinking, Active Listening, Social Perceptiveness, Effective Communication
About the Career
Police officers serve as first responders and are essential to maintaining public safety and, not only enforcing laws but also building trust with the public, preventing crime, and assisting in emergencies.
What You'll Learn
Some of the classes offered in our Academy include: Texas Penal Code, Patrol Skills, ALERRT Level 1 Training, and Arrest, Search & Seizure
Faculty & Staff
Mark Lamb
TJC West
Phone: 903-510-2952
Taylor Bogue
TJC West
Phone: 903-510-2167
Kyle Funderburgh
Staff Technician
TJC West
Phone: 903-510-2404
Academy Email