Presidential Honors Program | TJC
TJC Systems Maintenance: 3/28-30/25

TJC will be performing scheduled system maintenance Fri., 3/28, 7 p.m.-11:59 p.m. Sun., 3/30. Certain programs in Apache Access will not be available.

Presidential Honors Program

What does it mean to be a part of the Honors Program at TJC?

The Honors Program at TJC is designed to serve highly motivated and creative students by providing an intellectually enriching, interdisciplinary two-year experience. The program fosters an atmosphere of educational excellence, focusing on intellectual exploration, community involvement, and leadership through service learning.  

The TJC Honors Program is a focused academic program with unique admissions guidelines and procedures, specialized honors seminar-style courses, dedicated honors faculty, individual advising and planning, reserved housing, and special transcript notation and distinction at graduation. The honors program is open to students from all majors. We pride ourselves on being academically accommodating while ensuring that students have an intellectually rigorous experience with us. 

Students being advised

Advantages of being in Honors

  • Small, seminar-style classes
  • Community of academically-focused peers
  • Research opportunities in your chosen field
  • Honors-specific advising
  • Transfer/career planning
  • Private study lounge with computers, free printing, coffee, & snacks
  • Dedicated Honors Living Learning Community in Ornelas Residence Hall
  • Unique opportunities on campus as an honors student
  • Special recognition at graduation and transcript notation