![Inclusive Access](http://www.tjc.edu/images/ThinkstockPhotos_666935846.jpg)
The Inclusive Access Program is a new textbook model in collaboration with top publishers that provides digital content for your courses. The cost of the textbook/digital content is included as an additional course charge on your schedule and fee statement. You will have access to the textbook/digital content on the first day of class. The digital content also may include interactive-learning platforms.
Benefits of Inclusive Access
- “Day One” access to critical course materials provided to all enrolled students
- Avoid standing in line at the bookstore
- Seamless connection to course materials through Canvas
- Reduced cost of materials
- Utilize digital materials via laptop, tablet, or smartphone
- Removes hurdles of financial aid delays
Do I need an access code?
Inclusive Access course materials are different from class to class. Content will automatically be placed on the course in Canvas, and will be accessible when you sign into your course. If an access code is needed, your professor will be the one to provide it to you.
How much does Inclusive Access cost?
The price varies depending upon the course materials chosen by the instructor, but most Inclusive Access prices are lower than the cost to access the materials directly through the publisher or bookstore, and are less expensive than the cost of printed text.
How do I pay for my access?
A course materials charge will be assessed when you register for the course in Apache Access. It will become part of your bill from Business Services. No need to stand in line to purchase a book at the bookstore!
I do not have all the money to pay for the course charge at the time my tuition is due. Can I make payments on the additional charge?
Yes. Since the additional charge is part of your tuition bill, the charge may be included as part of your tuition payment plan.
Will financial aid funds pay for my digital course materials?
Yes, if you do not opt-out by the deadline.
Will my exemption/waiver apply to the digital course materials?
No, you are responsible for paying the digital materials charge.
Will my scholarship(s) pay for course content fees?
It depends on each scholarship. If your scholarship is allowed to pay for books, then it will cover this cost. If you have any questions on what your scholarship pays, please contact the scholarship office.
How do I "opt-out" of the course charge and what does that mean?
If you do not want to participate in Inclusive Access, you have until the census date to opt-out of the program.
To opt-out, please see your professor. Your professor will then notify Business Services, and an adjustment will be made to your account.
I opted-out by mistake and realized that I still need my access. Can I opt back in?
Yes. See your professor.
Can I purchase a paperback version of the digital text?
In many cases, no. If there are discounted copies of the paper textbook, they will be available for purchase in the campus bookstore if you're in an Inclusive Access course.
I dropped the course. Do I still need to opt-out?
No, you will automatically be removed from the course and access to the materials. Refunds will be issued for the course materials at the same refund schedule as tuition.