TJC receives funding through local property taxes within the TJC district. Students who live outside the TJC tax district or outside of the State of Texas are charged increased tuition as well as a per-credit-hour surcharge. These rates are set by the TJC Board of Trustees.
In-District student: A Texas resident or dependent who maintains a permanent residence on property subject to ad valorem taxation by the TJC District for at least 12 months prior to the 12th class day of the semester in which they are attending.
Out-of-District student: A Texas resident or dependent who does not physically reside within the geographic boundaries of the TJC District.
Out-of-State student: Someone who does not physically reside within the geographic boundaries of the State of Texas.
Students may check Smith County addresses for the TJC property tax on the Smith County CAD and may check Van Zandt County addresses on the Van Zandt CAD.

SB 1528 (Non-Residents)
State law (SB 1528) allows undocumented students to be classified as Texas residents if they meet the following conditions:
- Graduated from a public or an accredited private high school or received a GED from the State of Texas.
- Resided in Texas for at least three years leading up to the date the person graduated from high school or received the GED.
- Resided in Texas for the 12 months preceding the 12th class day of the academic semester in which the person enrolls.
- Provide the institution with an affidavit stating intent to apply for permanent residency. Affidavit forms are available in the Apache Enrollment Center or at
Reclassification as an Out-of-District or Out-of-State resident due to a move
Students who have been classified as residents of the TJC tax district or of Texas shall be reclassified as non-resident students whenever they shall report, or there is found to exist, circumstances indicating a change in residence. If students who have been classified as residents are found to have been erroneously classified, those students shall be reclassified as non-residents and be charged the correct tuition beginning with the semester following the date that the College discovers the error.
Reclassification as an In-District or In-State resident due to an error
If students have been erroneously classified and subsequently prove to the satisfaction of the appropriate officials of the College that they should have been classified as an In-District or In-State student, they shall be reclassified and refunded the difference between the resident and non-resident tuition for each semester in which the student was erroneously classified.
Reclassification as an In-District or In-State resident due to a move
Students entering the College as Out-of-District or Out-of-State residents who subsequently meet the requirements to be considered In-District or In-State residents must prove to the satisfaction of the appropriate officials of the College that they should be reclassified as an In-District or In-State student. Students must meet the requirements for residency prior to the ORD/Census Date of that term (provided on the Academic Calendar) in order to pay the new tuition and fees for that semester. Students who meet the requirements by the specified date may request a reclassification at any time and will be refunded the difference between the resident and non-resident tuition for each semester in which the student was erroneously classified.
It is the responsibility of the student to verify their residency status each semester and review their statement of charges for accuracy.
Students seeking reclassification must email and submit appropriate documentation. Documentation may include:
- Proof of tax independence/dependence from students under 25 years of age in the form of 1040 tax returns from student or parent/guardian.
- Proof of domicile in the TJC tax district or the State of Texas for a minimum of 12 months. Independent students must provide documentation in their own name; dependent students must provide documentation in the name of their parent/guardian. Acceptable proof may include:
- A lease agreement that lists the student or their parent/guardian as either the leaseholder or occupant.
- Title/deed of real property in the name of the student or their parent/guardian.
- A Texas voter registration card in the name of the student or their parent/guardian issued 12 months prior to the ORD/Census Date of the given term
- Utility bills in the name of the student or their parent/guardian for 12 consecutive months
- Paycheck stubs in the name of the student or their parent/guardian for 12 consecutive months
- Bank statements in the name of the student or their parent/guardian for 12 consecutive months
- Written statements from the office of one or more social service agencies located in Texas that attest to the provision of services to the person for 12 consecutive months preceding the census date.
- Texas Marriage Certificate or Declaration of Registration of Informal Marriage with documentation to support that spouse has established and maintained domicile in Texas for 12 consecutive months preceding the ORD/Census date.