Records Management | Records Management | TJC

Records Management

Records Management is the professional supervision of information. The Tyler Junior College Records Management program was officially established by order of the College Board of Trustees in November 1990 in compliance with the Texas Local Government Records Act of 1989 mandating a records management program for the College.   The Texas State Library & Archives establishes Local Schedules which dictate a record’s retention requirements. The Records Management section falls under the Office of Business Affairs.

The Office of Records Management’s goal, in conjunction with the TJC Archives, is to bring a consistent approach to record-keeping practices, freeing up valuable office space from record storage, and ensuring the preservation, accessibility, retention, and/or disposal of all records created and managed by the College.  For questions on records or materials that may be historically significant and that should be preserved, please contact Tiffany Thompson.

The Records Management program's commitment is to serve you in a way that best meets your needs while protecting you and the institution from legal and fiscal liability.

Records Management Downloads

Dana Ballard
Campus Services

Tiffany Thompson
Digitization Projects