Student Senate is one of the most prestigious organizations on campus. It ensures that all clubs and organizations at TJC are in good standing and, as the voice of the students, can be a change agent on campus.
What is Student Senate?
The Student Senate, advised by the Director of Student Life, is the student government body of TJC. The purpose and goal of the Senate is to promote an active student government, better relationships among the student body and good citizenship. It provides an avenue by which student needs and desires are transmitted to the administration while providing educational and wholesome entertainment for students. In general, the Senate sets all policies governing student body activities.
It comprises three Student Senate Executive Officers, four Sophomore Class Officers (consisting of Ambassadors of Organizations, Public Relations, Parliamentarian, and sergeant-of-Arms), three Freshman Class Officers, numerous senators representing their organizations and committee chairs.
Student Senate Executive Officers and Sophomore Class Officers are elected in the Spring by a majority vote of TJC students. Freshman Class officers are elected by a majority vote of students in the fall. Each recognized organization may appoint two senators to the Student Senate to represent their organization at General Assembly meetings and serve as a liaison between the two organizations.
The Student Senate provides an avenue through which student grievances may be channeled to the administration. The Senate may also make recommendations regarding general student welfare. The Student Senate adopts these recommendations in regular sessions, and the consensus is forwarded to the Director of Student Life. The TJC Student Senate is an active participant in the Texas Junior College Student Government Association, has won numerous awards at the state convention and has held various offices in the Association.
Want to get involved with Student Senate?
- Run for office: You must first fill out a petition for office that is available in the Center for Student Life and Involvement. Elections are held in September for Freshman Officers and April for Student Senate Executive and Sophomore Officers.
- Join a committee: This is a great way YOU can make a difference on campus. Student Senate has several committees formed based on the needs and interests of students attending that particular semester or school year.
- Come to a meeting: Student Senate meets every Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. in Jenkins 1109 in the Fall semester. Meetings are only held every other week in the Spring Semester.
- Attend an event: Events dates are available on the Campus Calendar.