Resident Assistant | Resident Assistant | TJC
TJC Systems Maintenance: 3/28-30/25

TJC will be performing scheduled system maintenance Fri., 3/28, 7 p.m.-11:59 p.m. Sun., 3/30. Certain programs in Apache Access will not be available.

Resident Assistant

Resident Assistants (RAs) are an integral part of the Tyler Junior College Residential Life and Housing Department. RA is a paraprofessional staff member that is appointed for one academic year and has direct and constant contact with residents in their community of floors of approximately 25 to 60 students in buildings ranging in size of approximately 40 to 460 students. The Resident Assistant, working with the Residence Director/Area Coordinator, the Division of Student Affairs, and the Tyler Junior College is responsible for meeting the goals of Residential Life and Housing Department:

  1. Establish an integrated academic and residential learning experience
  2. Create a climate and culture within the residence hall which are conducive to academic success
  3. Personalize the first year student experience and continue engaging sophomores into the community and campus.
  4. Provide clear expectations to students regarding academic achievement and be a resource for them to achieve academically.
  5. Provide clear expectations to students regarding community standards in the residence hall
  6. Encourage high quality faculty, staff and student interaction in all residence halls and on-campus.
  7. Promote safety and security within the residence hall.
  8. Create a framework for the development of life-long learning skills.
  9. Foster the development of critical thinking skills.
  10. Encourage and support student involvement and leadership.
  11. Encourage responsible decision making and accountability.
  12. Encourage healthy choices and personal well-being.
  13. Assist Tyler Junior College in recruiting and retaining quality students and potential Resident Assistants.