Daily Operations | Resident Assistant | TJC

Resident Assistant

Daily Operations

Each hall will be staffed each evening (8:00 PM –Midnight) with the duty RA and a reasonable number of staff members, to be determined by the Building Supervisor.


  1. Understand, support, follow, enforce and educate students about Tyler Junior college objectives, policies, regulations and Student Guide to Living on Campus.
  2. Work duty nights every other day as worked out with other RAs and assigned by Resident Director/Area Coordinator.
  3. Work every other weekend as worked out with other RAs and assigned by Resident Director/Area Coordinator.
  4. Work the desk in Residential Life and Housing Department office or Ornelas Hall for 5 hours per week. (This will be set up as permanent shifts during Fall and mid-year training)
  5. Will take responsibility for weeknight duty or weekend duty where special coverage is deemed necessary.
  6. Will accept special staffing duty as necessary (i.e. selected athletic games, weekends before finals, days when the College is closed due to weather or other emergencies, etc.)
  7. Must attend and participate in Fall Training and mid-year training.
  8. Must attend and participate in all staff meetings.
  9. Must be available through the end of each semester for closing of the residence hall. (RAs should plan on not leaving campus until few days after semester hall closing, if needed.)
  10. Must participate in selected opening week and other special activities.
  11. Ensure students are aware on how to place a maintenance work order and communicate with Building Supervisor on outstanding work orders.
  12. Communicate with Building Supervisor about problems concerning cleanliness/maintenance on floor.
  13. Report all emergencies and serious situations to your Building Supervisor.
  14. Complete all paperwork promptly and accurately in accordance with the request of the Building Supervisor.
  15. Keep the Building Supervisor informed of floor activities, problems, concerns and general floor atmosphere.
  16. Assume other responsibilities as designated by the Building Supervisor in order to promote an environment conducive to student development and academic success.
  17. Assume responsibility for reading and understanding information in the RA Manual.
  18. Must check voicemail and email messages twice daily.
  19. Will complete other duties as assigned by the Residential Life and Housing Department.

NOTE: A Resident Assistant is expected to abide by residence hall policies and exhibit professional conduct at all times in the residence hall. For example, alcohol use is not permitted in the residence halls. Furthermore, at no time is a staff member to abuse alcohol or be impaired to perform their job responsibilities even if the alcohol use occurred off campus and/or if the staff member is of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages. A single incident may be grounds for immediate dismissal. Please refer to the training materials describing the types of behaviors that can prove problematic.