Risk Management | Risk Management | TJC
TJC Systems Maintenance: 3/28-30/25

TJC will be performing scheduled system maintenance Fri., 3/28, 7 p.m.-11:59 p.m. Sun., 3/30. Certain programs in Apache Access will not be available.

Risk Management

Mission Statement: The Risk Management department of Tyler Junior College strives to promote a safe and healthy setting for all TJC employees, students and visitors by focusing on protecting human health, property and the environment.

For more information on communicable diseases and ways to protect yourself, please visit the campus clinic webpage

Important Numbers:

 Emergency  911
 Campus Police  903-510-2258
 Risk Management Office  903-510-3067
 City of Tyler Animal Control  903-535-0045
 TJC Facilities & Maintenance  903-510-2252
 Campus Medical Clinic  903-510-3862

TJC Material Safety Data Sheet On-Line Database: http://hq.msdsonline.com/tylerjuniorcollegesl/Search/Default.aspx

Weather storm event safety assessment: https://www.tjc.edu/downloads/download/180/relative_safety_reports

Sign up for Emergency Alert Notifications: https://tjc.omnilert.net/