Property Taxes | Property Taxes | TJC
TJC Systems Maintenance: 3/28-30/25

TJC will be performing scheduled system maintenance Fri., 3/28, 7 p.m.-11:59 p.m. Sun., 3/30. Certain programs in Apache Access will not be available.

Property Taxes

Notice to Taxpayers

For 2022, TJC has proposed a property tax rate of $0.188001 ($0.152473 for Maintenance & Operations and $0.035528 for Debt Service) per $100 valuation.

To see the full calculations for the no-new-revenue rate and voter-approval tax rate please view: TJC 2022 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet.pdf

A public hearing will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2022.

Check back to this page as more details will be added as they become available.


Financial Information 

Information on the Tyler Junior College Fiscal Year 2023, as well as prior fiscal years, are available on the college’s Budget page. 

Prior fiscal year audited financial statements can be found on the Monthly Financial Statements page. 


Budgeted Property Tax Revenues and Rate (Last 3 Years) 

Property Tax Revenues 



Property Tax Rates 


*Proposed Tax Rate