Mandatory TSI Pre-Assessment Activity | TSI Assessment | TJC
TJC Systems Maintenance: 3/28-30/25

TJC will be performing scheduled system maintenance Fri., 3/28, 7 p.m.-11:59 p.m. Sun., 3/30. Certain programs in Apache Access will not be available.

TSI Assessment

Mandatory TSI Pre-Assessment Activity

Before you can begin the TSI Assessment, you will need to set up an Accuplacer account and complete the estimated 20 minute TSI Pre-Assessment exercise first. This exercise will prepare you for what to expect when taking the TSI Assessment

Start the TSI Pre-Assessment

Please ensure you save and print out a copy of your completed pre-assessment email and bring it to the TJC Testing Services Center once ready to complete the TSI Assessment. 

The TSI Assessment is a program designed to help Tyler Junior College determine if you are ready for college-level coursework in the general areas of reading, writing and mathematics. This program also will help determine what type of course or intervention will best meet your needs to help you become better prepared for college-level course work if you are not ready. 

Please note in advance this is not a "pass" or "fail" assessment. The assessment just helps determine academic readiness in the critical areas of Reading, Writing, and Math so the appropriate academic support can be provided to ensure you have the best chance at academic success. 

If you are incoming college student in Texas, you are required to take the TSI Assessment - unless you are already exempt. Based on how you perform you may either be enrolled in a college-level course that matches your skill level or be placed in the appropriate developmental course or intervention to improve your skills and prepare you for success in college-level courses. 

Note! Even if you are exempt from taking the assessment test, it is extremely beneficial to do so. These scores will help identify if you have the academic background needed to be successful in college-level coursework and determine if you need additional preparation.