Timely Notification | Policies & Procedures | TJC

Policies & Procedures

Timely Notification


The purpose of this directive is to establish a policy and procedure for the timely notification of the Chief of Police of serious crimes or major incidents which have occurred or are anticipated.


When a serious offense or major incident occurs within this agency's jurisdiction, the supervisor on duty or senior officer shall be responsible for the notification of the Chief of Police. Notification may be by telephone, text message or similar means providing the means used confirms the notification has been received. If confirmation is not sent by the Chief of Police a follow-up notification shall occur until confirmation is received. 


  • Serious Offense - Any felony offense as defined by the Texas Penal Code.
  • Major Incident - Includes but is not limited to any event, criminal or otherwise, which has the potential to be or already is a focus of media attention; which requires the mobilization or deployment of additional police resources; which has been or will be communicated to the branch president.
  • Timely - Prompt, expeditious; appropriately proximate to the event, with the appropriate sense of urgency.


The Chief of Police shall be notified in a timely fashion should one of the following events (or criminal attempts) occur:

  1. Homicide
  2. Sexual assault;
  3. Robbery;
  4. Aggravated assault (includes treatment of/response to/report of gunshot wounds), shooting;
  5. Significant assaults on Public Servants;
  6. Kidnapping, hostage taking, barricaded persons;
  7. Significant Breach of Computer Security;
  8. Theft or burglary involving a value over $20,000 (except automobile thefts);
  9. Any significant offense investigated by the police department or reported to the police department by another agency that involves a TJC employee.
  10. Significant campus disruption, evacuation or demonstration;
  11. Natural disasters such as a flood, hurricane, or tornado;
  12. Fire resulting in significant injury or property damage;
  13. Significant use of force by an officer;
  14. Report of death/significant injury occurring on campus;
  15. Other noteworthy incidents involving college-affiliated personnel;
  16. Other significant major incidents or felonies;
  17. Significant media coverage (actual or anticipated) of a university event or incident that is TJC-related or associated with controversy that has law enforcement implications;
  18. The presence of a federal law enforcement agency on campus on official business;
  19. A planned, anticipated, promoted, marketed or scheduled special event associated with the college that the Police Department, through its due diligence, has determined has the potential for violence; a criminal nexus; the presence of outlaw motorcycle gangs, urban street gangs, drug trafficking organizations or other criminal enterprises; the threat of disruption or a threat against the event itself;
  20. Attempted Suicide/Suicide;
  21. Emergency Mental Health referral/commitment outside of a clinical, campus counseling center or hospital setting;
  22. Fleet accidents involving police units with minimal or modest property damage only to either vehicle- notification within 24 hours; fleet accidents involving police units with major property damage to either vehicle, where either vehicle involved can no longer be driven, where there is personal injury or involving collision with a pedestrian - expedited notification.
  23. Loss or theft of department firearms;
  24. Serious injury or death of a TJC officer
  25. Missing person investigations.
  26. Significant exposure of TJC personnel to a communicable disease.
  • In the absence of the Chief of Police, the Assistant Chief of Police shall be notified
  • The Chief of Police is responsible for ensuring the notifications are completed to the appropriate campus administrators.
  • The Chief of Police shall be notified on any ongoing threats on to the campus that would require a CLERY Emergency Notifications/Alerts/Timely Warnings.
  • The mode of emergency notification will be dependent on the seriousness of the ongoing threat. The choice can include landline telephone, cellular telephone, electronic mail or text messaging; the responsibility for ensuring the emergency notification is complete, has been received and timely rests with the police department.