Access, Achievement & Excellence
We offer free tutoring, counseling and disability services for all eligible students. TJC also has an on-campus clinic, and a Career Planning department to help jump-start your career after graduation.
Student Support Services
It’s always free! Tutors provide help with writing, reading comprehension, study skills, and subject content clarification. Scheduled and limited walk-in appointments for tutoring services are available through the Apache Tutoring Center on the 2nd floor of the Vaughn Library.
Disability Services
Disability Services provides accommodations for qualified students with documented disabilities. Disabilities may include physical, mental health, learning, deafness or hard of hearing, blindness or visual impairment, autism.
Our goal is to provide professional counseling services to students who feel that emotional events in their life are causing a threat to continuing their academic pursuits.
TRiO Program
TRiO programs are designed to identify promising students, prepare them to do college level work, provide information on academic and financial aid opportunities and provide tutoring and support to students once they reach campus to ensure college retention and graduation.
College Success Coaching
College Success Coaching helps TJC students reach their full potential by increasing the connection points between students and TJC from entrance to graduation.

Career & Technical Education Success
If you are a student taking a program in The School of Nursing and Health Sciences, or Professional and Technical Programs, the Perkins CTE Success Center may be able to help you in a variety of ways.
College Success Coaching
College Success Coaching promotes student success by increasing the connection points between the student and TJC from entrance to graduation. Coaching is an individualized process that facilitates goal clarification and achievement. Coaches work with you to develop action plans that help you meet your academic goals.

PATHway to Comfort Food Pantry
A partnership between TJC and PATH, the PATHway to Comfort provides food security and addresses the essential needs of our students.
This service is available to all students, for free, on an as-needed basis.
Campus Clinic
The Campus Clinic is available as a service to students and employees at TJC.
The Campus Clinic is located on the second floor of Robert M. Rogers Nursing & Health Sciences Center on the corner of 5th and Fleishel. The TJC Campus Clinic is staffed on weekdays (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) by a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner.

Career Planning
Career Planning has resources to assist you with career exploration and finding employment. Individual career guidance is available to help you identify possible career matches based on your interests, values, personality preferences, skills, and goals.
Career Planning also offers group information sessions and workshops throughout the year over a range of topics.
Community Services
The city of Tyler has an abundance of community support services that specialize in a variety of aid. These organizations exist to help you through difficult times in your life, and are usually free of charge.