Refunds | Refunds | TJC
TJC Systems Maintenance: 3/28-30/25

TJC will be performing scheduled system maintenance Fri., 3/28, 7 p.m.-11:59 p.m. Sun., 3/30. Certain programs in Apache Access will not be available.


TJC delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information.

All TJC refunds are processed through BankMobile Disbursements.

Students must ensure their address and personal information are correct on their account.

For more information, please refer to BankMobile Disbursements, FAQs in Apache Access, or contact Business Services on the second floor of WASC, or email at for more information.

View our third-party servicer contract for refund management

Refund Schedule

Students who completely withdraw or reduce their credit-hour load (remain enrolled at Tyler Junior College) by completing the proper forms with their academic advisor shall have their tuition and mandatory fees refunded according to the following schedule:

  • Before the first official class day: 100%
  • During the first fifteen class days: 70%
  • During the sixteenth through 20th class day: 25%
  • After the 20th class day: 0%

Registration fees are non-refundable.

Students who “swap” credit hours (exchange one three-hour course for another three-hour course) may do so without a monetary drop penalty. The even exchange applies only if the course add and drop are completed by your advisor and presented to the registrar simultaneously. Additional fees may apply.

Students with financial aid who completely withdraw on or before the 60% point in the enrollment period may have a federally required return of Title IV calculation done to determine the amount of money the student will owe to the federal government.

Special Notes

It is the student’s responsibility to drop courses. The dates used to determine refunds are those entered by the Registrar’s office when the drop slip is received and processed by them. Refunds will be applied to outstanding debts owed to Tyler Junior College. Unpaid student accounts will be turned over to a collection agency. Any cost associated with the collection of outstanding account balances including reasonable attorney’s fees, cost of collection, and court cost incurred in the prosecution of suit will be paid by the student.

The refund policy is subject to change by the vote of the Tyler Junior College Board of Trustees or the legislature of the State of Texas.

Refund of Mandatory Tuition and Fees

(7-Week/Special Terms Only)

Students who completely withdraw or reduce their credit-hour load (remain enrolled at Tyler Junior College) by completing the proper forms with their academic advisor shall have their tuition and mandatory fees refunded according to the following:

Prior to the first official class day................................................ 100%

After classes begin......................................................(see table below)

Drops and Withdrawals

Length of Class Terms in Weeks Last Day for 70% Refund Last Day for 25% Refund
2 or less 2 N/A
3 3 4
4 4 5
5 5 6
6 5 7
7 7 9
8 8 10
9 9 11
10 9 12
11 10 14
12 12 15
13 13 16
14 13 17
15 14 19
16 or longer 15 20

Example: 5-week course

  • Prior to the first official day of class - 100%
  • First 5 days- 70%
  • 6th day - 25%
  • After the 6th day - 0%

Registration and Late Registration fees are nonrefundable.