Prose Guidelines
Works of short fiction or essays should be no longer than three pages in length and must conform to the accepted grammatical standards of American English.
Manuscripts must be typed and submitted according to the following guidelines:
- Microsoft Word document only
- Double-spaced text
- Size 12 font only
- Numbered pages
- Full name, top right
- Title of work, center
- All outside sources used must be properly documented according to MLA style (MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University)
Prose works will be edited for clarity, grammatical precision, and space. When extensive revision is required, the manuscript will be returned to the author for approval.
Poetry Guidelines
We are looking for well-crafted poetry, both formal and free verse, which exhibits artistic skill with language. Poems should meet the accepted grammatical standards of American English in so far as doing so does not compromise the artistic intent of the poet. Poems must be typed and submitted according to the following guidelines:
- Microsoft Word document only
- Full name, top right
- Title of work, center
- Single-spaced text; double spacing between stanzas; size 12 font only
- Numbered pages
Save and attach all literary submissions as a Word document saved as: lastname_titleofwork (example: Minkel_BigLove)
*Any errors on the submission form or typos in the uploaded literary submissions will result in automatic disqualification from the journal. Failure to follow submission upload instructions will also result in disqualification. Pay attention to detail.