Financial Aid | TJC
TJC Systems Maintenance: 3/28-30/25

TJC will be performing scheduled system maintenance Fri., 3/28, 7 p.m.-11:59 p.m. Sun., 3/30. Certain programs in Apache Access will not be available.

Financial Aid


Fill Out The FAFSA

Many financial aid opportunities require that you first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. The FAFSA is used to determine federal, state, and sometimes college-specific financial aid.

Fill out the FAFSA


Get Assistance

Use our FAFSA Assistance resources, including our Apache Enrollment Center, to get help filling out the FAFSA. Contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center for live chat, phone, and/or email FAFSA assistance.

FAFSA Video Resources


Go to College!

There are a few more steps to take, but we'll help get you there! Follow your Financial Aid Dashboard in Apache Access for next steps and get help if you need it through the Apache Enrollment Center. Remember, a new FAFSA is required for each academic year!

Go to Apache Access

FAFSA Deadlines

Priority deadline to complete FAFSA: We accept FAFSA applications throughout the school year, but we recommend that you complete yours by the deadline to ensure you don't miss out on available aid.

Fill out the FAFSA now.

Fall Classes: April 1
Spring Classes: August 1
Summer Classes: February 1

Need help completing the FAFSA? Visit the Apache Enrollment Center or our FAFSA assistance page.

The FAFSA form applies to a single academic year. That means you need to submit a new FAFSA form each year. At TJC, our academic years start in the Fall and end in the Summer. 

Have you had a change in income reported on your 2024-2025 FAFSA?

If you or your family have experienced a significant income reduction since filing your 2024-2025 FAFSA, you should consider submitting a Special Circumstance request, a TJC e-form. The Special Circumstance e-form will provide data for the financial aid office to review and possibly update the financial information already submitted on the FAFSA.  Please contact the Apache Enrollment Center if you need more information by calling 903-510-2385 or emailing

Financial Aid Status

Your financial aid status and eligibility is available online through Apache Access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

These steps are a general guideline. The process can take up to two to three months to complete. Your Financial Aid process may include more steps or less, depending on your eligibility and when you begin the process.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

1: File your FAFSA

File your FAFSA at and list Tyler Junior College (School Code 003648) in your application. A new FAFSA application is required for each academic year. 

2: Verify status in Apache Access

An email or, in some cases, a letter from TJC Financial Aid Office will direct you to Apache Access after TJC has received your FAFSA. You must know your student ID number (A#) to log into Apache Access.

After logging into Apache Access, click on the Financial Aid icon. Then click on the Financial Aid Dashboard. This screen will always give you your financial aid status at a glance.

Students who are beginning the processing will need to complete the steps as follows:

  • Click the Financial Aid Dashboard to begin.
  • Student Requirements - if additional documentation is requested, you must submit the requested forms through the document upload links. You will submit most requirements as a TJC eForm and/or copies of personal documents.  Some forms require parent information and signatures for dependent students.

You should also activate your Apache Access student email to receive additional information from Financial Aid. Financial Aid only uses your TJC email address to communicate with you.

Deadline to submit ALL verification requirements*:
Fall Classes: 
June 1
Spring Classes: November 1
Summer Classes: April 1
These days are for step 1. See FAFSA deadlines above.

3: Check Apache Access for additional documentation

You should periodically log into Apache Access to check for additionally requested documentation or to see if you have been awarded. You must also monitor your Apache Access student email for important financial aid information and award notifications.

4: Accept your financial aid

Once awarded, log on to Apache Access and click on the Financial Aid Dashboard. All students are awarded at their maximum eligibility and must accept or decline student loans that are offered. If you accept your offered student loans, you must complete Entrance Loan Counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN), as indicated in Student Requirements, at the appropriate time.

The Financial Aid Process

Check out this video to learn how the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) gives you access to grants, loans and work-study jobs that can help fund your education. 

FAFSA Video Resources