The Winter Term at TJC offer more choices and flexibility to round out your schedule. Complete the same course in a shorter amount of time! Check here for details about our next Winter Term.
Course | Online |
ARTS1301: Art Appreciation | ✔ |
COMM1307: Intro to Mass Communication | ✔ |
COSC1301: Introduction to Computing | ✔ |
CRIJ1301: Intro to Criminal Justice | ✔ |
DANC1305: World Dance | ✔ |
DANC2303: Dance Appreciation | ✔ |
DRAM1310: Theater Appreciation | ✔ |
ECON2301: Prin of Macroeconomics | ✔ |
ECON2302: Prin of Microeconomics | ✔ |
EDUC1300: Learning Framework | ✔ |
ENGL1301: Composition I | ✔ |
ENGL1302: Composition II | ✔ |
ENGL2311: Technical & Business Writing | ✔ |
ENGL2332: World Literature I | ✔ |
GOVT2305: Federal Government | ✔ |
GOVT2306: Texas Government | ✔ |
HIST1301: United States History I | ✔ |
HIST1302: United States History II | ✔ |
HUMA1301: Intro to the Humanities I | ✔ |
MATH1314: College Algebra | ✔ |
MATH1316: Plane Trigonometry | ✔ |
MATH1324: Math for Bus & Soc Sciences | ✔ |
MATH1325: Calculus for Bus & Soc Sci | ✔ |
MATH1332: Contemporary Mathematics | ✔ |
MATH1342: Elementary Statistical Methods | ✔ |
MATH1350: Mathematics for Teachers I | ✔ |
MATH1351: Mathematics for Teachers II | ✔ |
MUSI1306: Music Appreciation | ✔ |
PHIL1301: Intro to Philosophy | ✔ |
PHIL2306: Introduction to Ethics | ✔ |
PSYC2301: General Psychology | ✔ |
PSYC2314: Lifespan Growth & Development | ✔ |
SOCI1301: Introduction to Sociology | ✔ |
SOCI1306: Social Problems | ✔ |
SPCH1311: Intro to Speech Communication | ✔ |
SPCH1315: Public Speaking | ✔ |
SPCH1321: Business & Prof Communication | ✔ |