Award and Payment Policies | Award and Payment Policies | TJC

Award and Payment Policies

Once eligibility (through file review and verification, if selected) and financial need have been established, a financial aid package is developed. "Packaging" is the process of combining various types of aid from different sources to meet the financial need of a student. Tyler Junior College maintains the policy of making awards in the following order:

  • Grants
  • Student Loans
  • Work-Study

Grant awards are made first to those students with defined financial need and who meet specific grant awarding policies, if any, until all grant funds are exhausted (see Types of Financial Aid TJC Offers). Federal loans are automatically offered to all students according to their maximum eligibility.

Tyler Junior College uses a full-time tuition and fee budget for all students during the "packaging" process. Students who pay for day care may request that the child-care budget component be added to their COA budget by downloading the request form from Apache Access.

Payment of grants, if awarded prior to the Official Reporting Date (ORD), is based on the student’s enrollment as of the ORD (the 12th class day for Regular terms and the fourth class day for Summer terms). All financial aid payments are locked as of the ORD; anyone awarded and paid after this date will be funded based on their enrollment at the time of disbursement. Any hours enrolled after the aid is locked cannot be considered for funding. Payment of loans is determined by the student’s enrollment at the time of school disbursement (credit to the student account). Any hours enrolled in after the school disbursement cannot be funded.

Students who drop below six (6) hours may have their loans backed out. Courses not considered for financial aid funding include:

  1. Courses taken for audit
  2. Courses for which a grade of "W", "F", "I", or "IP" is received
  3. Credit hours earned by examination or articulation
  4. Continuing Education courses
  5. Courses taken as a high school student
  6. Remedial courses if the total attempted remedial credit hours are more than 30, even if the courses are required for enrollment
  7. Courses that students fail to begin attendance. Students must begin attendance in each class for it to be funded with financial aid. Failure to attend class may result in a reduction being made to a student’s award(s). Instructors are required to report students that have never attended at the time that they certify their rolls.
  8. Students who enroll in a minimester will not be funded, for that course, until after the first official day of class.

Other courses considered for funding can include: 1) courses at UTT that are considered concurrent enrollment, and 2) courses at other colleges for which a consortium agreement has been completed. (Please see the Financial Aid office for specific requirements.)