Veteran and Military Benefits | TJC
TJC Systems Maintenance: 3/28-30/25

TJC will be performing scheduled system maintenance Fri., 3/28, 7 p.m.-11:59 p.m. Sun., 3/30. Certain programs in Apache Access will not be available.

Veteran and Military Benefits

We've Got Your Six

As a designated Military Friendly College® and Purple Heart College, TJC has programs in place to help military veterans like you navigate the college experience and secure a fulfilling career.

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Veteran and Military Services

Military Friendly School 23-24 Silver

Welcome to an exciting new chapter in your life! We're honored that you're considering adding TJC to your journey toward a rewarding future. As a designated  Military Friendly college, we think you'll feel at home at TJC, where more than 600 military veterans and their dependents are enrolled. Many of these veterans and their families have benefited from the guidance and advice of TJC faculty and staff who are veterans, having proudly served in all five military branches. We look forward to having you join the TJC family of veterans.

The section that follows contains valuable links to information about veteran benefits. As an example, while most TJC veterans use federal acts to fund their education, veterans who are Texas residents can use the Hazlewood Act, which provides qualified veterans, their spouses, and children with up to 150 hours of tuition and fee exemptions at state-supported colleges and universities. Learn more about veterans' benefits by following the links below.

Benefits Information

Active Duty, Veterans, and Military Dependents

Note: All required documentation for benefit consideration must be received by the Veteran and Military Services Office no later than one week before classes start to guarantee certification of classes.

Chapter 30

The MGIB provides a monthly stipend to veterans and service members to help pay tuition, fees, housing, etc.

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Chapter 31

The Veteran Readiness and Employment program offers opportunities for employment, education, job training, vocational counseling, and rehabilitation to eligible veterans and servicemembers.

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Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Post 9/11 covers tuition and fees for eligible veterans and servicemembers and provides a monthly housing allowance.

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Chapter 35

The Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA) Program offers educational opportunities to eligible dependents of totally disabled veterans and veterans who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition.

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Chapter 1606

The MGIB-SR provides educational opportunities for eligible members of the reserve components of each military branch, the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard.

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Hazlewood Act

The Texas Hazlewood Act provides eligible veterans, spouses, and children with 150 hours of tuition and fee exemptions at state-supported colleges and universities.

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Tuition Assistance Program (TA)

TJC honors our active duty military members by participating in the Military Tuition Assistance Program (TA). There are many courses offered online that military members can participate in at TJC while serving our country. Here is more information to see if TJC is the right choice for you!

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MyCAA Scholarship

The Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) program provides financial assistance for military spouses. MyCAA provides spouses up to $4,000 over 2 years to pursue TJC’s academic or continuing education training programs, licenses, or credentials that lead to degrees, certifications, and employment in portable career fields.

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Continuing Studies

Military benefits are also available for state-approved non-credit courses that lead to a vocational certification through TJC’s Office of Continuing Studies.

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Active Duty Excused Absences

Texas Education Code (TEC) 51.9111 requires that any Texas public institution of higher education shall excuse a student from attending classes or engaging in other required activities (including examinations) for the student to participate in active military service. A student so excused may not be penalized for that absence and must be allowed to complete assignments or take examinations within a reasonable time after the absence. The maximum period for which a student may be excused is 25% of the total number of class meetings or the contact hour equivalent (not including the final examination period) for the specific course or courses.

If a student withdraws due to active military service, TEC 54.006(f) provides that the institution shall, at the student’s option: refund the tuition and fees paid by the student for that semester; grant an incomplete grade in all courses with a designation of “withdrawn-military” on the student’s transcript, or; assign an appropriate final grade to a student who has completed a substantial amount of coursework. TEC 51.9242 provides that a student who withdraws from an institution for active military service shall be readmitted within one year of completing their service, without requiring reapplication or charging a fee.