Getting Started | How to Apply: Nursing | TJC
TJC Systems Maintenance: 3/28-30/25

TJC will be performing scheduled system maintenance Fri., 3/28, 7 p.m.-11:59 p.m. Sun., 3/30. Certain programs in Apache Access will not be available.

How to Apply: Nursing

Getting Started

TJC Nursing is a selective admissions program, so there are a limited number of seats available each semester. Certain admission criteria must be met so you can apply to the nursing program.

The admission process for the nursing program is not easy, but it doesn’t have to be stressful! Start preparing for your application at least six to eight months ahead. Follow these directions to get started. 

1: Apply to TJC

To apply to the TJC Nursing program you must be accepted as a TJC student. A student ID (referred to as your “A Number”) is assigned when your TJC general admission application has been processed. Include your “A Number” on all TJC correspondence.

Your application for admission to TJC can be completed online at

A student who was previously enrolled at TJC and who has been out of school longer than two consecutive semesters (Fall or Spring) must re-apply.

Admission to TJC does not guarantee admission to the nursing program. The number of students admitted to the nursing program is limited and you must submit a separate application to be considered.

2: Submit Official Transcripts

You must submit an official transcript from each college/university you have attended (except from TJC) even if you have course(s) ‘in progress’ or the completed coursework is not required for any nursing pathway.

When you submit a transcript you must:

  • Submit an official transcript
  • Submit the transcript to the TJC Registrar’s Office
    The transcript must be received by the Registrar’s Office by 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the admission period.
  • Submit a transcript with the most recent semester of coursework
  • Complete the online transcript evaluation request form

For more information go to

If a college submits transcripts electronically, contact the TJC Registrar’s office at 903-510-2400 to verify that TJC is able to accept the electronic version. It is your responsibility to make sure transcript(s) are received.

3: Meet with Nursing Advisor

We highly recommend that you schedule an appointment to meet with a nursing academic advisor before you begin your admission process. A nursing academic advisor can assist you with:

  • Reviewing the different tracks and pathways within the nursing program and determining which best fits your overall needs and goals.
  • Developing a plan for completing your prerequisite and degree required education courses.
  • Helping you determine which admission requirements you still need to complete.
  • Reviewing your transfer credit from other colleges/universities.
  • Helping set a goal for when you can apply to the nursing program.

To make the most out of your advising appointment bring any important or relevant documents, such as a transcript or test scores with you.

For more information about the Academic Advising office and how to schedule an appointment with an advisor, go to  or call 903-510-3287.

4: Download Admission Guidelines

TJC Nursing’s Admission Guidelines are a “one-stop-shop” for nursing admission requirements! The interactive PDF documents break down admission criteria for each pathway in easy-to-follow steps, so you can complete your application with ease from start to finish!