How to Apply: Dental Hygiene AAS | How to Apply: Dental Hygiene AAS | TJC

How to Apply: Dental Hygiene AAS

***Application Packets MUST be submitted online ONLY***

The Guidelines for Admission document outlines the admission requirements in detail. It has been designed to easily guide you through the application process.

Application Period

Dec. 1, 2024, to Feb. 1, 2025, by 5 p.m.
Applicants selected will begin classes in June 2025.

Conditional Acceptance Requirements

  • Accepted as a student at TJC
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher (or hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college)
  • All of the following five sections of the HESI A2 Exam must be completed (one retest allowed AND ENCOURAGED per application year):
    1. Math (minimum score of 75 percent required)
    2. Reading (minimum score of 75 percent required)
    3. Vocabulary and General Knowledge
    4. Chemistry
    5. Anatomy & Physiology
  • Completed the following four science pre-requisites with a C or better:
    (Only courses that transfer to TJC as listed)
    • CHEM 1406: Introductory Chemistry I- Allied Health Emphasis OR CHEM 1405 Introductory Chemistry I
    • BIOL 2401: Anatomy & Physiology I (prerequisite may be required)
    • BIOL 2402: Anatomy & Physiology II
    • BIOL 2420: Microbiology
  • Completed 12 hours of observation of a dental hygienist

Conditional Acceptance Recommendations

  • General Education Courses – required for the AAS DH Degree
    • ENGL 1301 Composition I
    • PSYC 2301 General Psychology OR PSYC 2314 Lifespan Growth & Development
    • SOCI 1301 Introductory Sociology
    • SPCH 1315 Public Speaking OR SPCH 1321 Business & Professional Communication
    • Any Creative Arts course (ARTS 1301, DANC 2303, DRAM 1310, MUSI 1306, MUSI1310) OR Language, Philosophy & Culture course (DANC 1305, ENGL 2322, 2323, 2327, 2328, 2332, 2333; HIST 2311, 2312; HUMA 1301; PHIL 1301, 1304, 2306)

The above courses are not required prior to applying. HOWEVER, they carry points value for the admission process, and you are encouraged to take these prior to applying to the program. Also, these must be completed to receive your degree.

  • Bonus Courses (Optional)
    • HPRS 1201 Intro to Health Professions
    • HITT 1305 Medical Terminology

The above bonus courses are not required but are helpful to build your points