FAQ | How to Apply: Dental Hygiene AAS | TJC

How to Apply: Dental Hygiene AAS


Can I turn in my application in person?

No.  We will ONLY accept application documentation through our online submission form.

I live out of town.  Can I mail my application?

No.  We will ONLY accept application documentation through our online submission form.

I applied last year, can I use my worksheet from last year’s application, if I have not taken more coursework?

No.  You will need to complete the new worksheet, save it as a PDF and upload it with the other required documents through the online submission form.

Can I still apply if I have one science in progress during the application period?

No.  You must have completed all four sciences and received a grade of “C” or higher to be qualified to apply.

I have been a TJC student; do I still have to apply to the college again?

If it has been more than 2 semesters since you were last enrolled in classes at TJC, you will need to apply again, online. 

Will you accept letters of recommendation?


I am a licensed RDA.  Will I receive extra points for this?

No.  You must obtain your CDA (Certified Dental Assistant) license to earn the 4 extra points.  Visit the website to get more information on CDA licensing: www.danb.org

Can I complete my observation hours with an orthodontist or oral surgeon?

No, you must observe a dental hygienist. Specific office types and required hours can be found on the front page of the Pre-Admission Observation Form in the downloads section.  Hours spent observing a dentist (even if they are performing dental hygiene procedures) will not count towards your observation hours.

Can I observe a dentist who performs all dental hygiene procedures in their office?

No.  There are no exceptions made in this area.  All hours spent observing a dentist or dental assistant will be immediately disqualified from consideration.

Do I have to observe all the procedures on the Pre-Admission Observation Form?

No, you observe as many as you can but are not REQUIRED to observe all listed procedures.  The procedures the dental hygienist has scheduled on the day you observe will be accepted.

Are my observation hours from last year still good?


The business cards I collected when completing my observation hours have information on both sides.  Do I need to upload a copy of both sides? 

No, we only need the side of the card with the office's contact information.

If I observe more than 12 hours, will I receive additional points?


I have not finished taking some general education courses, can I still apply?

Yes, you are allowed to complete the general education requirements after you have been accepted.  However, these courses have points value and due to the program's competitive nature, these points can be important in making you a competitive applicant.  Completion of the general education courses prior to applying is recommended.

Can I take dental hygiene courses online?

A few courses are hybrid, but all have a face-to-face component.

Do you offer night classes for dental hygiene?


How do I know if I’m an “in-district” resident?

You will need to contact the admissions office to find out your residency status.  We will use the status in TJC’s official records to grant the extra point for “in-district” status.

Do I have to wait until the start of the application period to take the HESI exam?

No, the HESI exam can be taken at any time. You will need to go online to www.tjctesting.setmore.com to schedule an appointment to take the exam.

How do I schedule a time to take the HESI test?

You will need to go online to www.tjctesting.setmore.com  to schedule an appointment to take the exam.  Make sure you select Dental Hygiene for your testing option.

I took the HESI exam sometime last year.  Are my scores still good?

For the current application period (Dec. 1, 2024, to Feb 1, 2025) your test scores must be dated 2023 or later to qualify for submission.

I turned in my HESI test with last year’s application.  Do you still have those test scores on file?

No.  You must submit all HESI test scores (dated Feb 16, 2023, or later) to have your application processed. 

I applied last year and submitted all of my transcripts from other colleges.  Do I need to submit them again?

Only if you have taken additional coursework since you last applied.  You do not need to resubmit official transcripts if no additional coursework was taken.

I withdrew from a different health science program but wasn’t dismissed.  Do I still need to submit the Verification of Good Standing form?

Yes.  Regardless of the reason you did not complete it, you still must submit the form to be eligible to apply.

I am currently enrolled in the TJC CDA Program, do I need to submit a Verification of Good Standing Form?

No, you are exempt from this requirement.

I am a licensed CDA.  Do I need to provide a copy of my license with the application?

Yes.  Instructions for uploading are included in the Online Submission Form.

I am a current TJC CDA student and have taken the DANB exam but have not received my CDA license in the mail.  Will I still get the points for being a CDA?

Yes. You can upload your DANB exam test scores to prove that you have passed all sections when you start the Online Submission Form.

Where do I submit my immunization records?

You do not submit immunization records with your application.  These are ONLY required after you have been offered a position in the program.

In the past, I was charged with a criminal offense.  Can I still apply to the program?

You should visit the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners website and complete a criminal history evaluation request.  The state will review your background and let you know if your criminal history will affect your ability to be licensed by the state of Texas.