Following the successful launch of the Rusk TJC Citizens Promise scholarship program in 2014, the fourth group of Rusk High School seniors is preparing to join the Tyler Junior College freshman class
The Rusk TJC Citizens Promise is one of only 23 Promise programs in the United States and the first such initiative in Texas. For each qualifying student who graduates in the top half of the class, the Rusk TJC Citizens Promise initiative covers up to $4,000 per year for two years at TJC. In addition to graduating in the top half of their class with a minimum 2.5 GPA, qualifying students must also reside in Rusk ISD and must have attended Rusk High School for grades 11 and 12.
The 62 eligible Rusk seniors were introduced this morning during a special event in the RHS auditorium.
This year’s eligible students are: Noah Acker, Kelsey Baker, Patrick Ball, Caitlyn Ballew, Tommie Hale-Beamon, Morgan Beene, Briana Brown, Leah Carnes, Bradley Cheek, Sydney Clark, Hannah Coleman, Tynisha Colston, Isabelle Davis, Calleshia Dearman, Trace Dominy, Steven Dorsey, Emily Duke, Christopher Fletcher, Austin Fortune, Charles Garner, Kinsey Gates, Brittney Glaze, Claire Gresham, Brendan Grimes, Caleb Guess, Jalin Henderson, Sarah Hernandez, Angelica Hernandez, Jacob Hugghins, Amy Hunt, Angelica Inglehart, Lauren Issacs, Rashayla Johnson, Kailey Jones, Karl Taylor Jr., Joshua Langston, Trevor Lee, Kaylyn Lewis, Jacob Liles, Briana Molina, Grace Nimitz, Flor Perez, Nicole Phifer, Savannah Raiborn, Caleigh Reese, Natalie Reither, Elizabeth Ross, Hannah Rossa, Rebekah Ruiz, Elda Santiago, Kaylin Schwartz, Austin Sizemore, Jordan Skinner, Marissa Stewart, Danielle Strain, Jocelyn Swindell, Jason Tighe, Domonique Uribe, Samantha Vargas, Jacie Walley, Tessa Walley and Mason Woodlee.
Megan Cumbee, TJC scholarship recruitment and retention coordinator, is designated solely to providing assistance to Rusk TJC Citizens Promise Scholars.
Cumbee, a 2006 Rusk High School graduate, keeps in contact with Promise scholars throughout their senior year at RHS and holds a series of workshops and meetings especially for them and their parents, to ease the students’ transition from high school to TJC.
The Rusk TJC Citizens Promise program is a partnership between TJC, the TJC Foundation, Rusk ISD, Citizens 1st Bank and The James I. Perkins Family Foundation.
For more information on the Rusk TJC Citizens Promise, go to www.tjc.edu/ruskpromise.