Tyler Junior College athletics will kick off the fall semester with “Meet the Apaches” from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 5, outside Wagstaff Gymnasium on the TJC main campus.
“Meet the Apaches” gives the community the opportunity to visit with members of the various Apache sports teams who will be on hand to sign autographs and take pictures with fans.
The TJC Apache Band, Apache Belles and Apache Cheer will also perform.
The public is invited to enjoy free food as well as desserts that can be purchased from local food truck vendors.
At 7 p.m., TJC women’s volleyball will host rival Navarro College in Wagstaff Gym, and general admission tickets are only $3. (Admission is free for TJC students and employees.)
“‘Meet the Apaches’ is a new event for the College, and we are excited to introduce the outstanding young men and women who are part of the various sports teams at TJC,” said Chuck Smith, interim athletic director.
“We hope the community will come out, meet the players, enjoy the food, and cheer on the volleyball team at 7 p.m.”