The Tyler Small Business Development Center (SBDC), located at TJC West, has been named the North Texas SBDC of the Year.
“The main criteria for consideration was to meet all of your annual goals for your center,” said Tyler SBDC Director Don Proudfoot. “Out of 12 centers, we were the only one that met all of them.”
The Tyler SBDC’s goals and results for fiscal year Oct. 1, 2018 to Sept. 30, 2019 were:
• Business startups: goal of 28 and surpassed with 38 startups, or 138% of goal;
• New jobs created: goal of 120 jobs and surpassed with 312 jobs, or 260% of goal;
• Loans and investments of clients: goal of $8,127,017 and surpassed with $35,873,276 in total loans and investments, or 441% of goal; and
• Client hours: goal of 1,750 hours and surpassed with 1,773 hours, or 101% of goal
In addition, Proudfoot said clients’ loans and investments of $35,873,276 set a new regional record previously held by the Dallas SBDC.
The North Texas region, one of four SBDC regions in the state, includes the following centers: Collin, Dallas Metropolitan, Grayson, McLennan, Navarro, North Central, Northeast Texas, Paris, Tarrant, Trinity Valley, Tyler, Longview and Government Contracting.
About the Tyler SBDC
The Tyler SBDC is a partnership program working with the U.S. Small Business Association, the State of Texas and Tyler Junior College, to provide small businesses with the practical assistance needed to survive, grow and prosper in the seven-county service area of Smith, Wood, Cherokee, Nacogdoches, Shelby, Sabine and San Augustine.
The Tyler SBDC helps small businesses start and grow through the following services:
• Creation of business plans which include projections to go to banks for funding
• Business and industry research
• Access to funding from $500 to $5,000,000+
The Tyler SBDC team is composed of professionals passionate about small business, including an MBA with 25 years of banking experience, a former banker with more than 45 years of business lending experience, a dedicated coordinator who has been here more than 13 years, and a very entrepreneurial director who has provided our SBDC leadership and excellence for over 22 years.
For more information, go to TylerSBDC.com.