Tyler Junior College has recently named new leaders in its human resources and academic affairs divisions.
Murillo named chief human resources officer
Dr. Rose Murillo has joined TJC as chief human resources officer (CHRO).
Prior to joining TJC, she served as interim vice president of human resources at Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California. She previously led HR teams at Azusa Pacific University and Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), a research and development center managed by Caltech for NASA. She has also served as a human resources consultant and educator, having taught HR courses at the master’s level for several years.
She holds a master’s degree in leadership and organizational studies from Azusa Pacific University and a doctorate in organizational leadership from the University of La Verne. She maintains certifications as a senior HR professional through both the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).
“Dr. Murillo’s extensive HR experience includes several years within higher education,” said Kim Lessner, TJC vice president of operations and chief operations officer. “She is looking forward to enhancing TJC’s HR operations and creating collaborative partnerships across the organization.”
Murillo said, “I believe that organizations perform at their best when human resources actively collaborates with teams throughout the institution, invests in staff and leadership development and has a priority focus on institutional strategies. I also look forward to serving TJC as well as the Tyler and East Texas communities.”
Nichols named dean of TJC North in Lindale
Dr. Richard Nichols has joined TJC as dean of TJC North, which provides Lindale and its surrounding communities with access to general education classes, nursing programs and the TJC Veterinary Technician program.
Located in The Cannery, Lindale’s residential/entertainment/retail complex, TJC North is the result of collaborative work among the College, leaders from the city and surrounding areas, community stakeholders and business and industry representatives.
Most recently, Nichols served as the dean of the School of Fine Arts and Communication at Butler Community College in Kansas. He has extensive experience as a professor of music and is an accomplished musician, director and performer.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in music from Bob Jones University, a master’s degree in music from Southern Methodist University, a doctorate in music from The Ohio State University and a Master of Business Administration from Louisiana State University.
“Dr. Nichols describes himself as a servant and transformational leader who values collaboration, admonition, open communication, transparency and honesty,” said Dr. Deana Sheppard, TJC provost and vice president for academic and student affairs. “His accomplishments are many and his experience is significant.”
Nichols said, “I have been blessed with many opportunities in music: performer, composer, producer, publisher, educator and administrator. My career began in performance before expanding into other areas. I’ve been fortunate to play with several orchestras — including the Dallas Symphony Orchestra — on four continents. I have over 250 published compositions and have produced over 30 recordings. Lindale, of course, is known for its music and musicians. I hope that my background can contribute to Lindale’s rich musical community.”
He and his wife, Nancy, have four children: one married, two in college and one still at home.
“Even though I’ve just arrived, I can tell that TJC is a unique place,” Nichols added. “Dr. Sheppard and the other deans have tremendous vision and goals for the future. Lindale is expanding and TJC will be expanding right along with it. We are here to serve the students and communities of the Lindale area. I’m just happy to play a part in their success.”