Dr. Eugenie Scott will be the featured speaker during a free public science lecture set 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9, at the Center for Earth and Space Science Education at TJC.
Scott is a physical anthropologist and founding director of the National Center for Science Education.
She has received national recognition for her work, including awards from scientific and educational societies. Her awards include the Public Service Medal from the National Academy of Sciences and the Fellows’ Medal, the highest honor given by the California Academy of Sciences.
In 2009, she was named one of Scientific American’s 10 most important leaders in science and technology, a list that also included Bill Gates and Barack Obama.
For more than 25 years, Scott has tackled educational, legal, scientific, religious and social issues as a researcher and an activist in the creationism/evolution debate.
The lecture is part of Darwin Day activities, which also include events at UT Tyler and Discovery Science Place. For more information on Darwin Day events, go to www.darwindaytyler.org.
The TJC science center is located at 1411 E. Lake St., on the TJC main campus. Parking is free.
Reservations for the TJC lecture are not required but highly recommended, as seating is limited. For reservations, go to sciencecenter.tjc.edu.